Mobile Intranet Apps: 20 Must-Have Features for Modern Workplaces

Date: 04-Jul-2024

Why is Mobile Intranet Apps a game changer?

In the rapidly evolving digital environment of today, the presence of a mobile intranet app is indispensable rather than merely advantageous for contemporary enterprises.

Traditional intranets, typically characterised by decrease in performance, cumbersome interfaces, and confinement to desktop platforms, inadequately cater to the dynamic demands of today’s workforce. For organisations contemplating the transition to a mobile intranet app but uncertain about the essential features to prioritise, this detailed guide aims to provide clarity and facilitate informed decision-making.

Mobile phones and applications have fundamentally transformed how we access information, interact with others, and entertain ourselves.

How a Mobile Intranet App Gives You an Edge?

  • Flexibility: Employees can access the intranet from anywhere, eliminating the need for a computer.
  • User-Friendly Communication: Employees engage with content on a platform they enjoy using.
  • Centralised Resources: All necessary tools and information are in one place.
  • On-the-Go Learning: Employees can enhance their skills and expertise on the job.
  • Higher Engagement: Tailored content to suit employees’ preferences.
  • Accessibility: Easier access to updates increases the likelihood of engagement.
  • Employer Reach: Employers can connect with employees no matter where they are.

“As of July 2020, Datareportal reported 5.15 billion unique mobile users, accounting for 66% of the global population. Furthermore, according to Rescue Time’s research, individuals spend an average of 3 hours and 15 minutes daily on their mobile devices. Given the widespread use of mobile technology, integrating this trend into the workplace is a strategic decision”.

A mobile intranet application enables employees to stay informed about company updates, participate in job-related training, and connect with colleagues from any location. This accessibility allows employees to engage with content more effectively, thereby boosting overall productivity and fostering greater engagement.

20 Must-Have Features for Mobile Intranet Apps

1. Engaging and Interactive Design

A visually appealing and interactive design is crucial for keeping employees engaged. The app should be a pleasure to use, encouraging frequent interaction rather than feeling like a chore.

2. Ability to Upload Videos and Podcasts

Modern intranet apps should support video and podcast uploads, catering to diverse learning preferences. In 2020, over 155 million people listened to podcasts, and people watched an average of 16 hours of videos on their mobile phones per week. This feature ensures your app is keeping pace with how people consume information.

3. Mobile-First Design

A true mobile intranet app is designed specifically for mobile use, offering an engaging and seamless user experience. Companies often move their desktop-based intranet to mobile without changing the design, leading to a poor user experience. Your app should be intuitive, making life easier, not harder.

4. Effortless Categorization

A great mobile intranet app should make it easy for employees to find the information they need quickly. Effortless categorization ensures that employees can navigate the app with just a few taps, increasing usability and engagement.

5. Auto-Suggest Search Functionality

The app should include a search function with auto-suggest capabilities, similar to Google. This feature helps users find what they’re looking for even if they can’t remember the exact name of the content, making it easier and faster to access information.

6. Auto-Updating News Feed

Keeping employees informed of the latest company news is essential. Your mobile intranet app should include a live feed that updates every time new content is published, ensuring everyone stays up-to-date.

7. Easy Access to Other Apps and Websites

In today’s digital world, employees frequently switch between different apps, websites, and platforms. Your mobile intranet app should facilitate this by making it easy to access these different places from the intranet app home screen, creating a seamless user experience.

8. Personalized Employee Section

An intranet should be a place where employees feel supported, valued, and connected. A personalized section for each employee can include rewards, recognition, tasks, and personalized content, helping them stay on track and engaged.

9. Built-In Mobile Training

Staying informed and learning new knowledge should go hand in hand. Your app should offer short learning courses, such as microlearning, allowing employees to test their knowledge and retain information more effectively. This feature ensures that every piece of content is understood and remembered.

10. Rewards and Recognition

Show appreciation for your staff by including rewards and recognition features. This drives engagement as employees will want to know when they have been rewarded and for what. Recognizing achievements can make employees feel valued and motivated.

11. Two-Way Communication

Your intranet app should enable employees to voice their thoughts, opinions, and ideas on posted content. This transforms the intranet from a one-way communication tool into a community platform, fostering engagement and collaboration.

12. Acknowledgment of Articles

It’s crucial to know whether employees have read and understood important updates. Your mobile intranet app should include features that track who has read what, ensuring compliance and awareness.

13. Full Content Reporting

Detailed analytics for content reach, engagement, and viewership are essential. These insights help tailor future content to be more relevant and engaging, ensuring that your intranet remains a valuable resource.

14. Engagement Stats for Everyone

Engagement metrics shouldn’t be limited to head office. A dashboard accessible to all managers and team leaders promotes accountability and encourages them to drive engagement within their teams.

15. Digestible Content Formats

Avoid overwhelming users with long pages of text. Your app should break down content into bite-sized, easy-to-read formats. This approach makes information more accessible and engaging, improving retention.

16. Targeted Content

Not all content is relevant to every employee. Ensure the right staff sees the right content by using targeted delivery options. This personalization enhances relevance and engagement.

17. Ease of Use and Update

The app should be simple to use and update, without requiring extensive training. If posting updates is complicated, employees are less likely to engage with the platform.

18. Quick Access to Policies and Procedures

One-click access to important documents ensures they are easily found and used. This accessibility is crucial for compliance and effective communication.

19. Help Desk Ticketing

An integrated help desk ticketing system is vital for efficient issue resolution. This feature allows employees to submit and track support tickets directly from the app, ensuring that problems are addressed promptly and effectively. This streamlines the process of seeking help and provides transparency in issue resolution.

20. Instant Messaging and Chat

Real-time communication is essential for a connected workforce. The app should include instant messaging and chat features, enabling employees to communicate quickly and efficiently. This promotes collaboration, and quick problem-solving, and enhances overall team dynamics.


A mobile intranet app provides unmatched flexibility, engagement, and productivity enhancements for contemporary workplaces. Incorporating these 20 essential features ensures that your mobile intranet app meets employee needs and propels your organisation toward success. By adopting a thoughtfully designed mobile intranet app, you can revolutionize workplace communication and see significant improvements in employee engagement and productivity.

Why Mobile Intranet App?

Choosing a Creative Social Intranet for your mobile app means embracing a solution that prioritises connection, communication, and collaboration within your organisation.

By leveraging features like real-time announcements, engaging groups, comprehensive employee profiles, and rich media integration, you can create a vibrant and dynamic digital workplace that enhances productivity and fosters a positive company culture.

Don’t let outdated communication methods hold your team back. Empower your workforce with Creative Social Intranet and unlock the full potential of your organisation.

Let’s revolutionise your internal communication and collaboration together!



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