Employees Engagement

Dec 12

Identifying Advantages in Employee Dashboards

Employee dashboards can help make life easier for companies and their employees by streamlining the process of finding resources and information. Instead of spending hours every week searching for content, workers can quickly access what they need in one place. This helps to reduce frustration and increase engagement as employees are able to get the materials they need quickly and easily. A Centralized Location Employee dashboards provide the most important and useful information to your staff all in one place. This makes work easier, more productive, and organized. Instead of searching through multiple pages for what you need, with a Identifying Advantages in Employee Dashboards

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Nov 7

12 Questions to be Asked During an Intranet Software Demonstration

When you’re considering a new intranet software, the vendor’s demo is a great opportunity to get a feel for the product. But if you want to get beyond the star customers and best features, you need to know the right questions to ask. Here are some key questions to ask during a software demo, to help you make the most of your time. Although organizations periodically change intranet software providers, even the most experienced internal communicators can go their whole careers without being involved in the purchase of a new intranet. Why? Some companies have legacy systems that last for 12 Questions to be Asked During an Intranet Software Demonstration

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